Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Late January Hike...

 A late January hike
on a cool and damp winter day
is a rare chance
for finding reckless sophistication
in a stripped-down Winter Woods

The lichen on the Oak trees
and ghost leaves upon the Beech
can best be seen

on days such as this
 Without walking through these woods
on a gray day like today
how would I know what I had missed?

 Wild-lands are all the more Wild
on a day that promises sleet
and discomfort.

 The woodpecker's thick laughter, 
all the more mad.

And there is a magic frost that can only be seen
for those prepared to rise early
be cold 
and drape on the old cloak of winter

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Words on the Water

I read the words on the water
telling me a secret, there,
just beneath the surface of the stream
and the words floated away
into the dark depths
keeping its secret

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Into a Dark World

Into a dark world,
he had discovered a bit of color
that left him wondering
where the color had all gone,
and how long it had been gone...

It was the splash of color that
awakened him to its absence
and sent his mind a-wondering.

"It's a mystery," he said.
"That's what it is."

And so, he set out to solve it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wise Spirits

They were wise spirits
and strong
waiting for a change
that they would make come

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

When the Leaves Were Finally Gone

She went to the woods
when the leaves were finally gone
and there, she counted the stars

Monday, January 14, 2019

Leaving No Trail

Laying across the surface,
like beech leaves sitting on the snow,
she became weightless and
left no trail behind her

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Believe It

There is a light
playing upon the darkened water
and living colors
skimming across the blackened creek

There is a hope
wandering across a desert of despair

and grace finding her way
over and through a briar patch of pain

And there is Always... 
there is always life dancing upon death

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

So Rooted

He stands like a tree
and finds himself, so rooted,
he decides to stay

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Something in the Shadows

Something in the shadows moves,

footsteps barely heard over the
rolling sobriety of the stream
a shadow within a shadow 
dodging from the corner of my world
like a dart towards
an out-of-sight target

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What Is Needed

I am opposed
as a matter of principle
to noise

I am willing to make an occasional allowance
for an ambulance, for instance,
or a fire engine
But only grudgingly

Rather, give me a rabbit
silently listening at a
field's edge

Or a cautious deer
gracefully whispering away
from sight

Give me the trickle of
a rain-swollen stream glazing
smooth pebbles

Or a deep gray fog rampaging
innocently through an
early morning woods

I can rest and be entirely at ease
with the rustle of fall leaves
skittering easterly

and I find that a blessed silence
is what is needed more often

than not.

Sunset, Over the Ridge

There lies a stillness
on the backside of the ridge
broken by nothing
but the cool lonesome wind

And to sit on the hillside
overlooking the valley
tangled only by briars
and disrupted only by birdsong

there is a peace, wanting to be claimed

An Unnecessary Illusion

The snow covering and ice sprinkling gave the illusion of a new world fresh, undisturbed, untouched and unpolluted. This was only an illusio...