Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Just and the Unjust

TO be in the woods
when the thunderstorms come
is to experience the gradual silencing of the forest
as the deer and squirrels and birds
seek shelter
even while the thunder pounds;

TO be in the woods
when the thunderstorms come
is to hear the coming of the rain
before it lands
imperceptible at first
hitting leaves far above and away;

TO be in the woods
when the thunderstorms come
is to feel the false and god-like assurance that
even with the rain falling all around you
- you remain untouched!

if you are wise
you know that it is only a false assurance

Saturday, June 3, 2023


A damselfly flew into my car
and became trapped
A damselfly in distress

I rolled down my window and
she rescued herself

It's easier to rescue one's own self
when the doors are opened and
the windows rolled down 

Life in Three Acts

There was a play staged by a forest primeval I had a bit part I served as the stage manager in a play within a play put on for my own benefi...