Wednesday, February 27, 2019


At the crossroads of the
shadows of these trees and
the reflections of those trees
I find only one stream, below

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Revolution, No. 1

The gray of the day
was so complete
that it bleached the woods 
of all color 
save one

and that one was nearly overwhelmed
by the grueling singularity of 
the Gray 
and that one 
snatch of color was
a Surprise and 
a Promise and
all the Hope I needed
It was - 
Ha! - 
a Revolution

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Moon Dancer

They said that ghosts haunted those woods at night.
They said that all who entered in dark, 
never returned the same.
They said that strange sounds and heavy breathing 
ever echoed eerily.
They said the sounds of feet stomping heavily 
could be heard, always nearby
along with shrieking in the distance...

She said, 
I am a Moon Dancer and Night Howler. 

Fear me if you must.

Friday, February 15, 2019


As the deer cautiously grazed
in a mid-winter's woods
he stopped

and turned his head

and listened.

Snow fell lightly upon his back
and melted away
and still, he listened.

Late falling beech leaves
silently sailed to the forest floor
and still, he listened.


Like a stone.


Like a bone-tired sleep.


Like a half-haunted spirit.

like the woods in the winter
guarded by a sober God
with a wild, well-rested peace.

And a dog barked.
And the deer disappeared
leaving his path behind.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Standing in the woods
in the rain
in the dark
of the night,
he stood there, 
watching me
watching him.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Sweet Winter Moss

If I die in February
lay me to rest
on a bed of sweet Winter Moss
and I'll be warm beneath her blanket
soon enough

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


These were ghost-woods
he knew 
because he heard their whispers
and felt their footsteps
on the path just over the hill
always, just around the bend

The haunted trees
walked beside him

Monday, February 4, 2019

Breathing Fire, Shouting Hope

Looking at the day

built of equal parts, rain and gray,
and looking at the forest
bare of leaf and flower
sun and warmth
I make the mistake of
assuming a wet and barren woods

I look
more closely

What I mistook for pale and brown
I discover is golden
and where I expected only whispers of death
I find angels and dragons
breathing fire and shouting Hope.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

She Found She Could Sleep

She found she could sleep 
anywhere at all 
as long as she had friends, 
nearby and quiet

Such was the determined ferocity of her heart
and the stone-solid comfort of her friends.

An Unnecessary Illusion

The snow covering and ice sprinkling gave the illusion of a new world fresh, undisturbed, untouched and unpolluted. This was only an illusio...