Sunday, March 21, 2021

In Praise of the Dark

Whether it is to our liking or not
we will find ourselves in darkness a full half of our lives

For some of us, maybe more

We can
and many do
choose to curse that entire half of our lives
spit on it
despise it
fear it
despair of it
dread its daily return...
but I have to think that it makes some
certain amount of sense
to embrace that solemn darkness and
find what strength and hope it may offer
for its own sake

Can't we find a peace that can come only in the darkness
the grace of rest undisturbed by
bright, relentless, piercing light?

Can't we find adventure that can only be found in the black night
the joy of carefully walking a path not by sight
but by touch and sound
smell and taste...
stepping slowly down a night-covered path
feeling cautiously
and with nervous excitement
with our feet for roots that
might trip us
searching for a breeze on our cheeks
listening for a rustle of leaves and
maybe just the hint of light
from a cloud-covered moon and
pin-pricked stars to give us a clue as to which way to go?

Can't we find comfort
even in the cold and unwanted darkness
despite its inconvenience
despite its gloom?

I don't know, I don't know

I do know it's easier to say
embrace the darkness
while I sit clothed in lightness

But maybe the very challenge of
embracing the Dark and
accepting the limitations imposed upon us by
that Shroud which Obscures
maybe that challenge is something not only to be
painfully endured until it has passed
but to be loved for its own sake?

I don't know, I don't know

I just don't think I want to wish away half my life

Says the fella thinking in the light of day

An Unnecessary Illusion

The snow covering and ice sprinkling gave the illusion of a new world fresh, undisturbed, untouched and unpolluted. This was only an illusio...